DMCA Copyright

Welcome to! We are committed to respecting the intellectual property rights of others and comply with Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). This page explains how to report the copyright infringements and how my and my team handle those reports.

Notification of Copyright Infringement

If you believe your copyrighted work is being used without permission on our website, please send us a written notice (“DMCA NOTICE”) with following information.

  1. A physical or electronic signature of the copyright owner or an authorized representative.
  2. A description of the copyrighted work that you believe has been infringed. If multiple works are involved, provide a list of them.
  3. Identification of the material you claim is infringing and enough details to help us locate it on our site.
  4. Your contact information, including your address, phone number, and email address if available.
  5. A statement confirming that you genuinely believe the material’s use is not authorized by the copyright owner or the law.
  6. A statement affirming that the information you provided is accurate, and that you are authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.

Please send your DMCA Notice to our designated agent Minecraft Apkk!

About Us.


If you think your content was removed by mistake, you can submit a counter-notification that includes:

  1. Your Signature: A physical or electronic signature.
  2. Description of Removed Material: Identify what was removed and where it was located on our site.
  3. Good Faith Statement: A statement expressing that you believe the removal was an error.
  4. Contact Information: Your name, address, and phone number.

Please send your counter-notification to our designated agent.

Repeat Infringers

In line with the DMCA, we may terminate the accounts of users who repeatedly infringe on the copyrights of others in appropriate situations.

Conclusion is committed to following copyright laws. We take copyright infringement seriously and will respond to all valid DMCA Notices and Counter-Notifications. Thank you for helping us keep our site compliant!

If you have any questions about this DMCA notice, please contact our designated agent.


This page is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. For legal questions, please consult an attorney.